2011年11月22日 星期二

sasha DiGiulian的 8c 懸念

sasha 於格凸


11/18 sasha在部落格寫下她的 8c懸念始末:

After a week of recovery and relaxation at home, I am now back on my travels. Today I drove to the New River Gorge with a climb in mind. At the beginning of this summer I tried a route called “Still Life” at the Coliseum Wall. It is graded 8c, but I have personally found it more difficult than other 8c’s that I have tried because it is quite short and very bouldery with some long moves. At the end of May/early June when I tried it, the conditions were really hot and humid and I was not able to send the route. This is the first route that I have tried multiple times in a trip and then had to walk away from, empty-handed. This feeling of incompleteness entices me and subsequently made me want to return as soon as I could to try it again.



2011三月紅點兩條5.14c(其中southern smoke是她的第一條8c+),on-sight一條5.13d omaha beach,有趣的是這條路線之前也曾被 Katie Brown OS爬掉,但後來斷點,難度被提昇到14a。

sasha在2011年九月,在Rodellar in spain證明了在不同岩場的難度競逐上仍是勢如破竹

8c+ (5.14c) Cosi Fan Tutte, 4th try
8b+ (5.14a) Maskoking, Onsight
8b+ (5.14a) Ixeia, 2nd try
8b+ (5.14a) Geminis, Red Point
8b (5.13d) Eclipse Cerebral, Onsight
8b (5.13d) Les Chacals, 2nd try
8a+ (5.13c) Lola
8a (5.13b) True Crime, Onsight"

接著是石破天驚的20111019 FFA Pure Imagination 5.14d (9a),第一試就單步都可爬完,六試就完攀。女子史上第三人。


美國在katie brown之後就沒有明星級的女子攀岩者,sasha 實力跟臉旦都很令人期待,誠然在天然岩場已有驚人的表現,但在今年世界杯並沒有爬出相對天然岩場的表現,不過在新生代選手中,她的力量無疑是令人不敢忽視的,很看好她明年的表現。

若比較katie brown與sasha,sasha長相甜美.身材矮小,給人一種fairy的形象,比起katie的沈穩應該更受到觀眾及贊助商的喜愛。不同的是sasha還未在世界杯證明她的能力,期待她明年的表現^^

這兩天sasha在twitter表示,red river gorge下雨,她懸念的still life可能要再懸一陣子了.....。

